Thursday, May 19, 2005

Golf, She wants revenge and revenge of the sith

Just found a clip on about my friends band She Wants Revenge:

I am proud of these guys who rocked a girly clad croud at Spaceland last Wednesday. I had the opportunity to listen to tracks as they were recording their album and I think the kids will like it. Good on you Justin. Top Bloke award....

SWR will be on tour this week with Bloc Party: Check thier website for details......

So I did some golfing before I went out to the show. Love the golf, like crack very addicting....

And on a whim, or not, we saw the line at the Vista in los feliz for the 2:45 am show to be short so why not wait 45 min to see Star Wars Episode III now?????? Did it and loved it....will see it again..

Oh standing in line, several cars would drive by and scream "nerds", " Geeks" etc. two words for all of them "Sith Happens"
Yes I am a nerd>>>>>>>

Still working on new podcasts for this week.....