Monday, July 18, 2005

New Iclectic Podcast

Show notes:

Some of the items listed in today's show. This show is focused on what has been going on for podcasting in the last few weeks.

* Direct Download here
* opens it doors --built on ruby on rails.
* Itunes - the good,bad and ugly
* CommandN- New Video up
* Why Dave Winer needs a Mac
* Great Blog Planet web 2.0 is here
* Why Podcasting is not dead. Article here
* Geek News centrals take on the marketwatch piece
* doc is podcasting, but it's dead?
* Technorati is it as dead as podcasting? Ask Scoble
* Google maps - Do you really need the link?
* Google map mania blog
* has a new UI - Check it out
* Metro free wifi hotspots
* Brewster Kahle and the internet archive
* our media- do I need to say more. Thanks guys
* Harry Potter is out. Go read.
* we break stuff development blog
* Bloglines and RSS - I like it
* Good post on by Daring Fireball podcasting
* Podcast remix - Podcast review podcast coming soon